Farmers Edge - Johnson Tractor

Farmers Edge


A complete farm management platform, built by farmers like you.

FarmCommand automatically integrates all sources of data and delivers what growers need most: swift, accurate, in-field decision support. Available as a web-based tool and a mobile app, you can quickly analyze, visualize and share information from one easy-to-use platform.

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Daily Satellite Imagery

Daily Satellite Imagery is Game-Changing

Until now, satellite imagery was simply not frequent enough to react to crop stress. With imagery captured daily from the largest private constellation of satellites in the world, state-of-the-art image processing technology and agronomy-based analytics, we’re able to provide timely, field-level insights from planting to harvest.

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On-Farm Weather Stations

Get weather information from where it matters most, your fields.

Accurate current conditions
Our weather stations track important conditions including: temperature, wind speed, wind direction, dewpoint, rainfall and more.

Large network of stations
Access our entire network of over 4,000 weather stations around the world.

Better data, better models
Weather data from your fields powers many agronomic models within FarmCommand.

Enhanced radar & severe weather alerts
Get the big picture with enhanced radar. Always know when weather turns ugly near your fields.

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VR Technology

More Data. More Insights. More ROI.

We’re making it easy for you to try something different this growing season. Why? Because we know our solutions can increase your ROI across every acre. If you’re currently using another precision farm management service, make the switch to get our precision agronomy and data solution for only $2.00/acre.

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